Telephone sales training courses
will remind you that telesales
training is a path full of
potential bumps and potholes but
remember that there is always a
rainbow in that puddle.
Customers do not want to feel as
though they are being sold, they
want to feel as though they are
being served. On an average day
a person is met by over 2,300
adverts for the next big thing
so it is no wonder that when it
comes to sales a customer could
be numb and unresponsive.
Trainers in telephone sales
training courses will encourage,
but also make you aware that as
a telesales representative there
may be a lot going on this
persons life and if they are
unresponsive do not take it
There are a number of
psychological reasons why a
person will successfully achieve
their telesales and personal
goals. These steps are clearly
covered on good telephone sales
training courses. Below are 7
key steps to follow to
effectively achieve your goals
after attending telesales
1. Get Their Attention. Be mind
full of the first few seconds of
the call as this will determine
whether they will take the time
to speak with you. Simply begin
by explaining who you are, your
company and what the customer
can benefit from you. Telephone
sales training courses will tell
you that this is a vital and
effective step as customers need
a clear reason to take time from
their busy schedule. As
mentioned on a recent telesales
training course the key is to
use the method W.I.I.F.M. What's
in it for me
If the customer can not find a
what's in it for them they will
not be inclined to give you the
time you need on the telesales
2. These seconds are a moment of
curiosity in the customers mind
so make the benefit powerful
enough to measure their
3. Build Credibility and Trust.
On telephone sales training
courses people often ask how the
customer is going to trust a
stranger over the phone. The
fact is they are either
unconsciously or consciously
asking questions like how do I
know I am not being conned or
that can you be trusted. Be
brief and to the point that you
are a well respected company
with a great track record and
you are not trying to separate
them from their money.
4. State Purpose. You want to
see whether their needs match
those that your product could
provide. An important tactic to
remember is to forget selling
and concentrate in serving. Put
their needs above yours.
5. Gather Information. Keep in
mind that everyone is not
suitable to your product or
service. To find out if they are
simply ask questions about their
current product supply. These
questions show your interest
whilst adding to their
subconscious desire to feel
valued and appreciated.
6. Agree on need. This is a
psychological benchmark, a
moment of truth. If you do not
agree on the needs it will fall
through however if you do agree
on the needs it will open the
mind so that it is receptive to
hear what you can do for them. A
tool used at this step in
telephone sales training is to
summarise in 2 short sentences.
7. Solution to Problem. This is
the sign post ahead that lets
you know you are getting closer
to achieving your goal and your
customer's satisfaction. It is
known in telesales sales
training courses that we tend to
buy things that we do not need
because we want it. The
distinction between want and
need is logical and emotional.
After you buy something you want
you will receive feelings of
security, ownership or peace of
mind, this gives them a feeling
of reward. Tailor the product to
meet their needs then inform
them of the benefit that will
give them this rewarded feeling.
8. Close. You need to build the
value of the product or service
first before you discuss the
prices. Imagine a scale in the
customers mind, put money and
considerations on one side and
value of the solution on the
other. Now summarise all they
will receive. Describe the
product positively and
Telephone sales training courses
often ask you to imagine a car
ad for example. The ads will
bring up security, family times,
love and happiness. This is
tailoring to the emotional needs
of the customer, pulling at the
heart strings rather than their
minds. Believe me it works.
Source: Frank
O Toole