We offer phone based sales training seminars in a private in-house format at the location of the customers choice. Public courses are also regularly scheduled as well across the United States and are available in Hawaii cities like Honolulu.

Browse the list of our training seminars on the right. Contact us for additional information.

Telephone Upselling Strategies for Sales Reps

In today s increasingly competitive business environment, a large number of telesales reps have come to the realization that in order to succeed when faced with limited territories and account lists, sales activities must be designed so as to tap into as many sales opportunities as possible in existing accounts. Many telesales reps are constrained by prospecting and revenue mining activities in areas that have either been tapped our or simply don t yield the correct customer types. Major account telesales reps face the added difficulty of having to reach aggressive sales quota numbers within a handful of named accounts, sometimes focusing on only one account each fiscal year. These difficulties make it ever so important for inside telesales reps and major account telesales executives to focus on casting their net wider within their accounts so as to increase sales opportunities. Our Telephone Upselling Strategies for Sales Reps sales training workshop is designed to teach the skills necessary to tap into existing accounts to upsell additional products and services. 

Designed as a highly interactive, fast-paced and challenging eight-hour session, the Telephone Upselling Strategies for Sales Reps program focuses on the ability to leverage existing relationships and contacts in an account to uncover additional revenue generating opportunities. Time is spent analyzing telesales activities and existing sales territories to understand where time is best allocated to achieve immediate results. Multiple practice sessions and a study of time-tested sales methodologies and skills allow telesales reps to incorporate newly learned Telemarketing skills into their daily routine. Regardless of whether an account has recently signed up for a new product or service or has been a valued customer for years, the tools taught in this class will help telesales reps uncover more opportunities to drive revenue and surpass quota numbers. The learning experience is shaped and reinforced via the use of interactive role plays, group activities, account analysis exercises, instructor lectures and peer-driven discussions. 

Telephone Upselling Strategies for Sales Reps participants will learn to:

  • Analyze their existing customer base
  • Utilize customer hierarchies and complex structures to uncover opportunities
  • Uncover sources of revenue within departments once considered tapped out
  • Work with the needs of different buyer found in the telemarketing process
  • Understand buyer behavior and motivators
  • Utilize telemarketing strategies to improve personal sales skills and mining activities
  • Understand how various external factors can affect buyer behavior
  • Establish rapport and build chemistry during the telesales process
  • Receive a helping hand from existing customer contacts
  • Apply questioning strategies to uncover needs, priorities and sales opportunities
  • Adjust the telemarketing process based on buyer behavior
  • Identify problem areas and potential solutions
  • Promote add-on products or services that complement existing offerings
  • Create personal Feature, Advantage, Benefit statements when offering solutions
  • Work with others in the sales organization to uncover revenue opportunities

Telemarketing and Phone Sales Seminars, Courses & Workshops are available throughout the United States and Canada.

Phone Sales/Telesales Training in Hawaii